HOUSEHOLDERS & COMMUNITY GROUPS: Find solutions at The Home Upgrade Show

(Tickets £10 on the door)
Are you looking for a healthier, more comfortable home - to reduce your energy bills - and your home's carbon impact? Then The Home Upgrade Show is definitely for you!
Retrofitting your home for energy efficiency is a challenge - no matter what your budget. The Home Upgrade Show has been created to help Greater Manchester residents and communities take action! A unique showcase of suppliers, service providers and workshops, the event focuses on supporting property owners, community groups and householders. Get practical information - and the confidence - to help you take those 'Next Steps' towards an energy efficient home.
Plenty of great reasons to attend.
- Meet product manufacturers, suppliers and service providers - get advice from experts and trusted suppliers
- Free householder-focused workshops (Saturday 14 Oct)
- Assess the different products for your home
- Learn what incentives are available to support your home upgrade project
- Discover how a home upgrade can be an opportunity to coordinate with other home improvement measures, such as a new kitchen or bathroom
- Meet retrofit intermediary services: people who assess your home and provide a staged action plan - based on what is most valuable to you as a householder - get a 'menu' of measures to help you progress your project step-by-step.
- Get practical information - and the confidence - to help you take those 'Next Steps' towards an energy efficient home
- Meet like-minded local residents going through the same process - swap info and tips!