Birmingham Retrofit Summit 2022
Highlights report and links to speaker presentations
Programme/Topics Overview
>>> Day 1 talks and Q&A examined: how to design and plan to provide long-term continuity for the market through planning and policy consistency
Liverpool retrofit revisited
[Approx: 2,268 words, 15-minute read]
“This movement’s growing across the country,” said Paul Kelly of Breaking Ground at our Liverpool Low Carbon Homes retrofit summit.
“Housing co-ops, community land trust, co-housing schemes...Liverpool was at the forefront of this movement in the 1970s an
Revisiting highlights from South East Retrofit Summit 2022
We had a fantastic speaker programme at the South East Retrofit Summit about the exciting retrofit opportunities in the region.

Suffolk Retrofit - Revisited
Not many people know what it takes to retrofit a seventeenth century farmhouse, but with the aid of thermal imagery Ralph Carpenter could give us a flavour.
“What you’re seeing here,” he explained to the audience at our Suffolk Retrofit Conference, “bearing in mind this is a timber-frame building, is the timber frame showing through