Manchester to benefit from ramping up of Government retrofit commitment as Home Upgrade Show announced

The trailblazer deal for funding devolution for Greater Manchester and West Midlands, outlined by the Chancellor in last week’s budget, demonstrates the importance of community-led home retrofit.
Retrofit is specifically mentioned as one of the areas for the new, simplified funding arrangements introduced in the trailblazer deal, alongside transport, skills and new housing. Manchester’s new retrofit event, The Home Upgrade Show in October is announced today.
The Institute for Government (IfG) says that the new deals address the problems created by the reliance of the combined authorities on a large number of separate funding streams, tied to specific policy areas or projects. These add to administrative and implementation timescales by requiring Authorities to bid and report separately to multiple Whitehall departments, restricting allocation and limiting priorities.
“The government has therefore agreed a new funding system through these deals, treating them similarly to government departments,” says the IFG. “Each combined authority will receive a single funding settlement covering the whole spending review period, reducing reporting requirements and giving combined authorities greater long-term certainty and more flexibility to reallocate money in line with local needs and priorities.”
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) needs to deliver £600m-£800m worth of domestic retrofit measures every year for the next 15 years in order to hit its net zero target in 2038.
“There are over 880,000 homes, 2,700 public buildings and as yet unknown number of commercial buildings that will need some form of renovation by 2038,” says the GMCA. “To reach these sorts of numbers, we will need to employ innovative finance solutions to significantly scale up our activities, building the skills and jobs needed to grow the supply chain in the process.”
Given this policy context and the boost that focused, localised funding decisions will give to Manchester’s retrofit industry as a whole, The Home Upgrade Show to be held in Manchester from 13-14 October 2023 is coming at just the right time.
Organised by Low Carbon Homes as part of Retrofit Action Week, The Home Upgrade Show is designed to meet the needs of those ready to play their part in decarbonising and improving housing to create better, healthier, warmer homes for all through creating a unique showcase of suppliers and service providers focused on supporting property owners, community groups and householders.
As the revolution in devolved funding starts to take shape, this two-day event is set to play a vital role in supporting communities across Greater Manchester deliver of retrofit at scale, and speed.
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