Window Insulation Limited

Window Insulation Ltd is a Midlands based SME, with a focus on energy saving building products. Partnering with specialist installation companies across the UK for retrofit or new build projects. We offer proven window & glazing refurbishment solutions to reduce energy loss, improving thermal performance by up to 40%. Our products are unique with low disruption as an affordable alternative to costly window replacement.
Installed globally, our trusted coatings are backed by scientific research and live ongoing data collection.

Product Benefits:
- Warmer winters and cooler summers.
- Improve existing glass – no need to replace.
- Reduce energy bills
- 50% reduction in condensation, reducing mould growth.
- Blocks 99% of skin & eye damaging Ultraviolet wavelengths (UV).
- Blocks >85% Infrared (IR) light which causes overheating & damage to furnishings.
- Low cost and low disruption installs.
- Tested and proven*.

*Data independently corroborated & proven by multiple UK and international universities and test houses.