Andrew Edwards

Business Development Manager, E.ON UK
Andrew Edwards
Having spent over five years with E.ON in a business development capacity, Andrew has been involved in some of the UK’s most exciting energy efficiency projects such as large scale external wall insulation and renewable energy efficiency programs. In his current position as National Sales Manager, he is responsible for E.ON UK’s ECO business development and sales function, this includes working with and providing ECO funding to Local Authorities/RSL’s and installers in support of large-scale energy efficiency and fuel poverty programs. A qualified domestic energy assessor with a degree in Environmental management, Andrew has extensive experience withing the energy efficiency sector, this includes significant involvement in previous CERT/CESP/ECO1 and 2 obligations from selling insulation material and tooling to installers to designing and funding multi £m energy efficiency schemes. Currently focused on ECO4 scheme design and delivery (2022-2026), he is passionate about energy efficiency, reducing fuel poverty and helping LA’s and RSL’s achieve their NET ZERO ambitions.