David took MSc Climate Change at UEA in 2007/8. He has initiated and sourced funding for large-scale carbon reduction projects for householders and businesses, supporting their subsequent delivery. These include the 'SABRE' (Support and Advice to Businesses on Renewable Energy) and BEE (Business Energy Efficiency) Anglia projects (ERDF), and the Green Deal Pioneer Places and Green Deal Communities projects (DECC). He has supported the development of regional strategies and funding applications, including for the 'Local Energy East' (LEE) project (BEIS).
David currently manages the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership. His role intersects with the planning and growth agendas in relation to energy infrastructure. He chairs the Association of Local Energy Officers for the East of England, and recently coordinated their submission to the BEIS Committee on Fuel Poverty, sits on the BEE Anglia Project Delivery Board, the Suffolk Sustainability Institute's Operational Board and the East of England Steering Committee for the professional membership body IEMA.
David currently manages the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership. His role intersects with the planning and growth agendas in relation to energy infrastructure. He chairs the Association of Local Energy Officers for the East of England, and recently coordinated their submission to the BEIS Committee on Fuel Poverty, sits on the BEE Anglia Project Delivery Board, the Suffolk Sustainability Institute's Operational Board and the East of England Steering Committee for the professional membership body IEMA.