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Our series of free-to-attend regional retrofit summits and conferences follow a well-developed and popular format allowing delegates to select presentations to suit their diary, while participating in one-to-one meetings, networking, and virtual ‘table’ discussions. What to expect? CPD proof of attendance is available to all attendees.

Installation of retrofit measures – including low energy heating systems, solar and insulation – is key in reducing emissions from Surrey’s buildings, which currently make up around half of all Surrey’s carbon emissions. Over £32m of funding has already been secured to scale-up retrofit across the county. Surrey County Council recognizes that retrofit also has the potential to make a significant contribution to Surrey’s economy with the additional expenditure required, providing significant new business opportunities for Surrey enterprises.  With this in mind the Council has partnered with The Retrofit Academy and Low Carbon Homes to produce the first Surrey Retrofit Summit.

Learn more about the plans to meet the skills, supply chain and financial challenges, and the innovative solutions being developed in the market to meet those challenges – and how local businesses and residents can navigate and benefit from the low carbon transition of our homes.

Join us over the mornings of Tues 13, Weds 14 and Thurs 15 June 2023 for daily online sessions to discover how the County is planning to lead the way, and how you can play your part too. 

Our series of free-to-attend regional retrofit summits and conferences follow a well-developed and popular format allowing delegates to select presentations to suit their diary, while participating in one-to-one meetings, networking, and virtual ‘table’ discussions. What to expect? CPD proof of attendance is available for all attendees.

June 13th, 2023 8:45 AM to June 15th, 2023 12:00 PM
Event Information +
Website Image URL
Slug surreyretrofitsummit2023
Online Session Times 08.45-12.00hrs. Free. Drop-in to suit your schedule.
Non-CiviCRM Registration