Registration is closed for this event

Hosted by Birmingham City Council, the 3rd Birmingham Retrofit Conference will bring together people and organisations who are involved in retrofit locally, and nationally.  The event will demonstrate the council's commitment to scaling up retrofit across the city and to delivering high-quality, high-impact retrofit to over 2,000 homes, funded by government funding of £24,800,000 secured by the council in its successful SHDF bid. 

The free-to-attend event staged by Low Carbon Homes will take place online on Thursday 7th December and will seek to explore how the city can capture maximum benefit for citizens and local businesses from this major retrofit programme, laying the foundations for scaling up of retrofit across all tenures.  

Session content will include

>> the Council’s vision for an inclusive transition to a net-zero city

>> engagement best practice

>> capturing opportunities for local businesses and citizens

>> Panel sessions and networking opportunities will provide plenty of opportunities for attendees to contribute to the discussion and meet up with fellow delegates and speakers. 

⚠ Note: this event has been updated to take place online over 1 morning (7 Dec 2023), and will look ahead to the Retrofit Summit in May 2024 which will form part of the West Midlands first Retrofit Action Week.

December 7th, 2023 from  8:45 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Information +
Website Image URL
Slug birminghamretrofitconf23
Online Session Times 0845-1200hrs; free
Non-CiviCRM Registration