Manchester Retrofit Summit (online)

Greater Manchester has a target of becoming a zero carbon by 2038 and housing retrofit is key to achieving that ambition. A key event in Retrofit Action Week, this will be the fourth Low Carbon Homes event to progress retrofit for the city region. Join us over the mornings of Mon 9 - Weds 11 October 2023 for daily online sessions and hear from Greater Manchester’s and the UK's low carbon leaders to discover how the city region is planning to lead the way.
MORNING 1 – Mon 9th October
Market conditions: Sessions will cover current local market conditions, near-term outlook, financing and insights from those delivering retrofit across Greater Manchester.
MORNING 2 – Tues 10th October
Creating & managing retrofit demand: Case-studies from social housing and private sector operators, with panel debates exploring opportunities to improve and scale what’s already working well.
MORNING 3 – Weds 11th October
Suppling and managing retrofit measures to meet increased demand: Case-studies from large and small contractors with panel debates exploring opportunities to improve and scale what’s already working well.